9 Temmuz 2008 Çarşamba

Easily defeating the Axva Min instance

1.) Have a group that consists of AT LEAST 1 Jedi, 1 Medic, 1 BH. (Smugglers are optional since they can cloak the medic out of combat incase he needs to res someone during a fight without wasting a combat res), and the rest of the group should be whatever, mostly dps.

** ALSO, very IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: If you have the veteran reward pets that give stat bonuses, call them right outside the chamber of banishment and then enter. You will maintain the buff and avoid a SERIOUS problem that may occur during Axva.

2.) First bosses: Gorvo and some name that escapes me
Simple enough fight, have the jedi tank the nightsister lady and have your medic stasis her in the beginning. Everyone else wails on Gorvo, whom does tend to run back the the NS lady for healing, but when he's debuffed to get cruddy heals, it helps. Be cautious, Gorvo has AoE melee attacks, so don't bunch together. Gorvo goes down easily, even I usually tank him, and I'm melee smuggler. After Gorvo drops, jump on his nightsister, whom happens to drop very fast.

3.) The "ninja boss": This nightsister acts very much like a spy. She cloaks, picks a target, and her opening hit is a debuff... unfortunately, this is followed by some sort of trap she had lain while she was cloaked that causes all of your specials to go on cooldown for roughly 30 seconds; thus, it helps if you have the GCW buff that provides a reactive heal or even some reactive heal base stims since more than likely, the medic will get hit with this and be unable to heal the group. She's hard to hold aggro for the jedi, since they likely have taunt on cooldown lock as well so she'll usually be bouncing from target to target among your group. However, my groups have never lost a single person, nor did we actually need to use the reactive heals, but that is simply a precaution for anyone else reading this.

4.) "THE SPAWNER OF STUPIDLY PAINFUL THINGS": 3rd boss, and as you can tell by the nickname given to her, yes, she's the one that does the force lightnings and the fireholes which can kill anyone that gets swamped by them. Trick here, as usual, is make sure the jedi has and holds aggro. Then the jedi, while using attacks and taunt at every available possible moments, along with healing himself, begins to WALK (yes, you heard absolutely right, WALK) around the edges in a big circle while everyone else wails on her. For some reason, this seems to keep a good number of force lightning/fireholes from being spread throughout the entire platform. If the jedi gets like 3 force storms spawned on him, sure, he can switch to running for a second, but once clear of those damnable things, he should go back to walking. Eventually, she'll fall.

5.) "The element summoning easy boss": 4th boss, and a very easy one, might I add happens to be the one that spawns 5 other nightsisters at certain percentages of her health. Thus, again, jedi tanks and medic is his healer. Everyone else in group should NOT dps her until all 5 of her elemental spawns are killed, instead they should simply debuff her to help the jedi tank her easier (she does tend to hit hard and she does have melee aoe attacks). Now, you will get 5 randomly determined spawns of nightsisters as the main boss (Suin Cholo, I believe) loses her health. Keep the damage on the main boss slow, then as one of her summons appears, everyone except the jedi and medic target her. On the target screen, where you usually see the buffs an enemy may have, each of these element spawns will have either: heat, cold, acid, or electricity. This symbol determines what kind of elemental weapon can damage them: if she has heat symbol, USE COLD; if she has cold symbol, USE HEAT; if she has acid symbol, USE ELECTRIC; and if she has electric symbol, USE ACID. All other weapons will not do any damage to those elemental spawns, so make sure your group is packing weapons of every elemental type.

5.) "Axva Min" : Axva is not as difficult as people tend to make her out to be. Even if she gets you in a crystal, you CAN walk out of it (albeit, you still take gradual damage and have reduced dps). Personally, however, as melee smuggler, I find that I tend to be a huge help with popping others from crystals (not even purposely) while I chase Axva and use my 7 (or 8, depending on the melee weapon I choose to use) meter radius/range aoe's and dirty trick, the trap seems to do full damage to the crystals even when I'm supposed to have damage reduction from them. NOW, THIS IS IMPORTANT: while fighting axva, NEVER EVER use the smuggler skill: Call a Medic, and NEVER summon the vet reward pet with stat buffs. Occasionally, axva will infect random targets with contagion (which will affect not only you if you have it, but any groupmates you run too close to as well). Reason I say make sure not to have the call a medic nor the familiar is because they are attackable and frequently prone to axva's usage of contagious blast. Now, seeing as they are indestructible pets, Axva just might decide to sit there spamming contagious blast on your cute little familliar or that medic us smugglers may call over and over and over (without end). Oh, and did I mention that contagious blast is a huge radius AoE that does 9999 damage (prior to armor)? Discovered this from once having called my medic during her fight; which resulted in an entire party wipe and the entire combat log history filling up with "Axva Min attacks a medic with contagious blast for xxxx dmg). Then, it happened to us on another occasion when someone called his cute little gackle bat familiar with the identical result. Thus, if you are able, use the GCW buff last man standing once the fight with axva begins. Aside from all here nasty ploys, again usually have the jedi tanking, with medic using area heals and having jedi as his main healing target. However, on occasion, the jedi may need help. This is where bh's play a second large role with axva: use the skill that draws aggro when the jedi cloaks. Then, the bh tanks for a little bit (helps if he has shields), and the jedi easily recovers back to being tank and stealing the aggro with taunts. If the jedi is having trouble stealing the aggro from someone, have the person whom has aggro stop attacking entirely. This will allow "hate" to build up on everyone else doing damage (and taunting), while that person's "hate" diminishes over time. Eventually, she will go back to whomever you have intended to be the tank. All in all, Axva is pretty dang tough, but with a wise group, she will drop.

Quick explaination on just what I call "hate"; it consists of 3 main things:
1.)a. The total amount of damage done to the mob by a person
b. The outgoing dps you are providing on the target.

2.) Any time a medic uses a heal on someone other than himself, he builds 2x the amount healed as if they were an attack on the mob directly; thus, area heal tends to draw a TON of aggro.

3.) Any taunts and debuffs you may be using on the target. Now, I haven't figured out the system on exactly how much hate the jedi/BH taunts cause, but I believe it is similar to being as if they hit the target for a LARGE amount of damage. However, although this imaginary damage may be LARGE, often, however; it's still not enough alone to steal aggro from something like an officer who just spiked (used overwhelming firepower/all attacks), since some classes are capable of causing HUGE amounts of damage quickly.


30 Haziran 2008 Pazartesi


Requirements: Launch Pad -> Options -> Grafik -> Borderless + Windowed Mode

the tool explains itself, just let it create a new ini file

the following macros are required:

Grinding (no items, xp only):

/createPrototype practice no item;
/createPrototype practice no item;

To craft Items:


Schematic Macro:

/selectDraftSchematic x;

place your crafting tools in slot F1-F4, the others into F5 an F6

Schematic = F5
Crafting Macro = F6

Autoit Forage w Combat

his is a modification to a modification for the Auto Forager V6, created by collin8579, and includes modifications made by swg_xploiter, posted in the same thread. This script has made me over 100m in a few short hours, and for that I am eternally grateful.

A few short footnotes:

This script works on the "PixelGetColor" function. It grabs the pixel color of the specific coordinates on the Portrait (the one that shows your class icon, and level), and then in intervals, compares the pixel vs the snapshot. Naturally, if they do not match, you're in combat, and the script attempts to halt further treasuremap searching, and begins a combat routine.


First, set up a Kill macro - the macro I use below fires off the first three slots in my Toolbar window; two attacks and a heal.


/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot01;
/pause 1;
/ui action toolbarSlot02;
/pause 1;

Second, go into your Options window, under Keymap, and select "Custom" - scroll down till you see your macro, and assign a key to it (I use , ) - while you're here, go ahead and turn off Confirm Item Delete.

Third, because each character class 'icon' is different, you will need to take a screenshot of the game window "shift-Print Screen", open Paint, and Ctrl-V. You should now see a screenshot of your character screen. Zoom into the Character portrait, and select a pixel that's either white, or grey. Note the coordinates in the bottom-right of the Paint window - you'll need to put this in the script, and will continue to work until you change your windows around.

Finally, run the script, as normal, and select the slot and bag for dumping treasure maps into!

While you're running around, the easiest method to make sure you're not targeting innocent NPCs is to angle your camera all the way down, so that you're looking at your character's baldspot. This will help prevent you from targeting mobs that aren't attacking you. Note that this wont help if you get attacked while you're knee deep in a nest, but it will prevent you from trying to target and attack mobs that are out of your Field of Vew.

Onto the script!

Global $Paused
HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause")
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")
Opt("MouseClickDragDelay", 100)

;StarWarsGalaxies Forager Version 2 with Auto Delete
;Created a /forage macro and mapped it to N
$i = 0
$var1 = "5"; How many times you want to forage Left/Right before going forward

SplashTextOn ( "Setup", "Leftclick on the Main Spot (where foraged item will be)", 400, 100, -1, -1, 1, "Ariel", 14 )
While 1
Sleep ( 100 )
If _IsPressed ( "01" ) Then
$pos = MouseGetPos()

$var3 = $pos[0]
$var4 = $pos[1]
Sleep (1000)

SplashTextOn ( "Setup", "Leftclick on the Backpack", 400, 100, -1, -1, 1, "Ariel", 14 )
While 1
Sleep ( 100 )
If _IsPressed ( "01" ) Then
$pos = MouseGetPos()

$var5 = $pos[0]
$var6 = $pos[1]
Sleep (1000)

;Sets our coords for PixelChecksum to use as a template - also sets us up to check it in the future
$portraitx = 600
$portraity = 694

$CombatCheck = PixelGetColor(($portraitx), ($portraity))

;Start our loop

For $x = 1 to $var1
Send("{a down}")
Sleep ("1300")
Send("{a up}") ;
Send("{n down}")
Send("{n up}")
MouseClick ( "right" , $var3, $var4, 1 )
MouseClickDrag ( "left" , $var3, $var4, $var5, $var6, 1)
Sleep ("1200")
send("{d down}")
Send("{w down}")
Sleep ("1200")
Send("{w up}")
Send("{d up}")
Sleep ("50")
For $x = 1 to $var1
Send("{d down}")
Sleep ("1300")
Send("{d up}")
Send("{n down}")
Send("{n up}")
MouseClick ( "right" , $var3, $var4, 1 )
MouseClickDrag ( "left" , $var3, $var4, $var5, $var6, 1)
Sleep ("1200")
Send("{a down}")
Send("{w down}")
Sleep ("1200")
Send("{w up}")
Send("{a up}")
Sleep ("50")

Until $i = 1

;Pause Script
Func CheckCombatState()
If PixelGetColor(($portraitx), ($portraity)) = $CombatCheck Then
;Combat Routine
send("{TAB}") ;Change this to your hotkey to cycle target outward
send("~") ;Change this to your hotkey to Autoattack
send(",") ;Change this to your Kill macro
Sleep ("1000") ;Change this accordingly to make sure your abilities cycle
Until PixelGetColor(($portraitx), ($portraity)) = $CombatCheck

;Pause Script
Func TogglePause()
$Paused = NOT $Paused
While $Paused
ToolTip('Script Paused',0,0)

;Terminate Script
Func Terminate()
Exit 0

Last edited by shinobiss on 01 May 2008 16:05; edited 4 times in total

Autoit Forage 2

I had a personal request for my updated Auto Forager macro, so here it is..
This is much like my previous auto forager, please note that there are some major changes however,,
First, Instead of having to put Coordinates all through a macro I used Variables so coordinates only have to be put in at the top of the macro
making it easier to change, over and over,
I use a Forage pattern this time,
It essentially forages you Left (X) amount of times, moves up a tad, Forages Right (X) amount of times, moves up a tad,, Rinse Repeat
Thus instead of 1 forage line across a planet you can have, 2? 4? 8?
I have that as a variable also so you can choose how wide you want it to go,,
It still includes the auto delete of enzymes feature

Any questions, or requests, feel free to post or contact me directly

***UPDATE 11/9/07 ****
Changed Features> Does NOT X out of Examine Map window, Just move it to bottom left corner so its not visible,, it does NOT affect macro in any way, and allows us to speed it up by not doing that task.
-Also I moved around some of the delete/move features so that it is much more efficient,, allowing for more maps per Space/time


Global $Paused
HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause")
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")
Opt("MouseClickDragDelay", 100)

;StarWarsGalaxies Forager Version 2 with Auto Delete
;Created a /forage macro and mapped it to N
$i = 0
$var1 = "20"; How many times you want to forage Left/Right before going forward
$var3 = "171" ;Imput X Coordinates for main space in inventory (where items shown up once foraged)
$var4 = "442" ;Imput Y Coordinates for main space in inventory
$var5 = "114" ;Imput X coordinates for backpack in inventory
$var6 = "442" ;Imput Y Coordinates for backpack in inventory

If WinActive( "Star Wars Galaxies", "" ) Then
For $x = 1 to $var1
Send("{a down}")
Sleep ("1300")
Send("{a up}") ;
Send("{n down}")
Send("{n up}")
MouseClick ( "right" , $var3, $var4, 1 )
MouseClickDrag ( "left" , $var3, $var4, $var5, $var6, 1)
Sleep ("1200")
send("{d down}")
Send("{w down}")
Sleep ("1200")
Send("{w up}")
Send("{d up}")
Sleep ("50")
For $x = 1 to $var1
Send("{d down}")
Sleep ("1300")
Send("{d up}")
Send("{n down}")
Send("{n up}")
MouseClick ( "right" , $var3, $var4, 1 )
MouseClickDrag ( "left" , $var3, $var4, $var5, $var6, 1)
Sleep ("1200")
Send("{a down}")
Send("{w down}")
Sleep ("1200")
Send("{w up}")
Send("{a up}")
Sleep ("50")


Until $i = 1

Func TogglePause()
$Paused = NOT $Paused
While $Paused
ToolTip('Script is "Paused"',0,0)

Func Terminate()
Exit 0

REFER to http://www.taultunleashed.com/phpbb2/post-306186.html#306186
For setup info and some Pictures, or if you want a copy of the original with auto delete

Last edited by collin8579 on 09 Nov 2007 21:57; edited 1 time in total

Autoit Forage

After reading one of the Forage macros I got a little bit obsessed with getting the successful forage time even lower and lower. I started out at 20 seconds, then got it down to 10, then down to between 7-8. I decided to play around with AutoIt and got it down to 3 seconds.

I used it through out the day at work for about 4 hours off and on and got 20 treasure maps.

I first created a /forage macro and mapped it to the N key. I borrowed a little of the code from other scripts on the site.

Heres the script.


;StarWarsGalaxies Forager
$i = 0
If WinActive( "Star Wars Galaxies", "" ) Then
Send("{w down}") ;Walk Forward
Send("{w up}") ;Stop
Send("{n down}") ;Created a /forage macro and mapped it to N
Send("{n up}")
Until $i = 1

Ent 90 in 2 Hours

Here's what you do. Need two macros - mine were called "dance" and "dance2."

macro dance:

/flourish 1
/pause 1
/flourish 2
/pause 1
/flourish 3
/pause 1
/flourish 4
/pause 1
/flourish 5
/pause 1
/flourish 6
/pause 1
/flourish 7
/pause 1
/flourish 8
/pause 1
/macro dance

macro dance2:

/pause .2
/pause .2
/startdance "dancename"
/pause .2
/macro dance2

Now start macro dance2, and replace "dancename" with the best dance you know (for example it would be /startdance basic2 ).

Then start macro dance about 4 or 5 times so that it spams flourishes. If you've done this right, you should start seeing your experience roll in at about 10 times the speed it should.

Whenever you learn new dances, switch them into the macro instead of the old one so you get more experience.


I use a bit of a "combo" template that is great for PVE and allows an experienced player a fighting chance at soloing most enemies they might encounter. This is mainly for a "loner" style player, someone who prefers survival and adventure to community pwnage (not that there's anything wrong with that). Anyway, here it is...

Agility 2/2
Stamina 2/2
Alacrity 4/4
Exacting Strikes 4/4
Defensive Fighting 1/1

Cautious Nature 4/4
Perceptive Sentinel 4/4
Forsake Fear 1/1
Hermetic Touch 1/1
Soothing Aura 4/4

Remorseless Nature 4/4
Brutality 4/4
Ruthless Precision 4/4
Dark Lightning 1/1
Force Choke 1/1

That leaves you with 3 points to apply anywhere (assuming you're at lvl 90)... I used them for improved saber block, although they could be well spent elsewhere.

**Here's how she works...

I use a dual toolbar (as most of you do) and I make sure to have these two skills assigned to keys: a Jedi focus and a Jedi stance.

I always enter a battle (PVP or PVE) with a Jedi focus going (and any other buffs I need). The Jedi focus is the key to your offense as it grants you the ability to use your lightning and choke attacks. When my health goes down about a quarter I heal (5k) and fight on. By the time the cooldown is over, I switch to a Jedi Focus and use my 10k heal just in time. Get back into your focus again and do the same thing... Your action will suffer with this temp, and as long as you have a high enough DPS saber (I use the Jinsu), your normal attack should keep your opponent's DMG trickling in while you recharge action. Am I claiming that this is the end-all be-all temp? Nope. I do well against average PvP players and very well PvE... This is just what works for me. Hope it helps!