30 Haziran 2008 Pazartesi
the tool explains itself, just let it create a new ini file
the following macros are required:
Grinding (no items, xp only):
/createPrototype practice no item;
/createPrototype practice no item;
To craft Items:
Schematic Macro:
/selectDraftSchematic x;
place your crafting tools in slot F1-F4, the others into F5 an F6
Schematic = F5
Crafting Macro = F6
Autoit Forage w Combat
A few short footnotes:
This script works on the "PixelGetColor" function. It grabs the pixel color of the specific coordinates on the Portrait (the one that shows your class icon, and level), and then in intervals, compares the pixel vs the snapshot. Naturally, if they do not match, you're in combat, and the script attempts to halt further treasuremap searching, and begins a combat routine.
First, set up a Kill macro - the macro I use below fires off the first three slots in my Toolbar window; two attacks and a heal.
Code: |
/ui action toolbarSlot00; /pause 1; /ui action toolbarSlot01; /pause 1; /ui action toolbarSlot02; /pause 1; |
Second, go into your Options window, under Keymap, and select "Custom" - scroll down till you see your macro, and assign a key to it (I use , ) - while you're here, go ahead and turn off Confirm Item Delete.
Third, because each character class 'icon' is different, you will need to take a screenshot of the game window "shift-Print Screen", open Paint, and Ctrl-V. You should now see a screenshot of your character screen. Zoom into the Character portrait, and select a pixel that's either white, or grey. Note the coordinates in the bottom-right of the Paint window - you'll need to put this in the script, and will continue to work until you change your windows around.
Finally, run the script, as normal, and select the slot and bag for dumping treasure maps into!
While you're running around, the easiest method to make sure you're not targeting innocent NPCs is to angle your camera all the way down, so that you're looking at your character's baldspot. This will help prevent you from targeting mobs that aren't attacking you. Note that this wont help if you get attacked while you're knee deep in a nest, but it will prevent you from trying to target and attack mobs that are out of your Field of Vew.
Onto the script!
Code: |
Global $Paused HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") Opt("MouseClickDragDelay", 100) #Include ;StarWarsGalaxies Forager Version 2 with Auto Delete Sleep("5000") ;Created a /forage macro and mapped it to N $i = 0 $var1 = "5"; How many times you want to forage Left/Right before going forward SplashTextOn ( "Setup", "Leftclick on the Main Spot (where foraged item will be)", 400, 100, -1, -1, 1, "Ariel", 14 ) While 1 Sleep ( 100 ) If _IsPressed ( "01" ) Then $pos = MouseGetPos() ExitLoop EndIf WEnd SplashOff() $var3 = $pos[0] $var4 = $pos[1] Sleep (1000) SplashTextOn ( "Setup", "Leftclick on the Backpack", 400, 100, -1, -1, 1, "Ariel", 14 ) While 1 Sleep ( 100 ) If _IsPressed ( "01" ) Then $pos = MouseGetPos() ExitLoop EndIf WEnd SplashOff() $var5 = $pos[0] $var6 = $pos[1] Sleep (1000) ;Sets our coords for PixelChecksum to use as a template - also sets us up to check it in the future $portraitx = 600 $portraity = 694 $CombatCheck = PixelGetColor(($portraitx), ($portraity)) ;Start our loop Do For $x = 1 to $var1 CheckCombatState() Send("{a down}") Sleep ("1300") Send("{a up}") ; Sleep("500") Send("{n down}") Send("{n up}") Sleep("100") MouseClick ( "right" , $var3, $var4, 1 ) Sleep("200") send("{2}") Sleep("200") MouseClickDrag ( "left" , $var3, $var4, $var5, $var6, 1) Sleep ("1200") Next send("{d down}") Send("{w down}") Sleep ("1200") Send("{w up}") Send("{d up}") Sleep ("50") For $x = 1 to $var1 CheckCombatState() Send("{d down}") Sleep ("1300") Send("{d up}") Sleep("500") Send("{n down}") Send("{n up}") Sleep("100") MouseClick ( "right" , $var3, $var4, 1 ) Sleep("200") send("{2}") Sleep("200") MouseClickDrag ( "left" , $var3, $var4, $var5, $var6, 1) Sleep ("1200") Next Send("{a down}") Send("{w down}") Sleep ("1200") Send("{w up}") Send("{a up}") Sleep ("50") Until $i = 1 ;Pause Script Func CheckCombatState() If PixelGetColor(($portraitx), ($portraity)) = $CombatCheck Then return Else Do ;Combat Routine send("{TAB}") ;Change this to your hotkey to cycle target outward send("~") ;Change this to your hotkey to Autoattack send(",") ;Change this to your Kill macro Sleep ("1000") ;Change this accordingly to make sure your abilities cycle Until PixelGetColor(($portraitx), ($portraity)) = $CombatCheck EndIf return EndFunc ;Pause Script Func TogglePause() $Paused = NOT $Paused While $Paused sleep(100) ToolTip('Script Paused',0,0) WEnd ToolTip("") EndFunc ;Terminate Script Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc |
Last edited by shinobiss on 01 May 2008 16:05; edited 4 times in total
Autoit Forage 2
This is much like my previous auto forager, please note that there are some major changes however,,
First, Instead of having to put Coordinates all through a macro I used Variables so coordinates only have to be put in at the top of the macro
making it easier to change, over and over,
I use a Forage pattern this time,
It essentially forages you Left (X) amount of times, moves up a tad, Forages Right (X) amount of times, moves up a tad,, Rinse Repeat
Thus instead of 1 forage line across a planet you can have, 2? 4? 8?
I have that as a variable also so you can choose how wide you want it to go,,
It still includes the auto delete of enzymes feature
Any questions, or requests, feel free to post or contact me directly
***UPDATE 11/9/07 ****
Changed Features> Does NOT X out of Examine Map window, Just move it to bottom left corner so its not visible,, it does NOT affect macro in any way, and allows us to speed it up by not doing that task.
-Also I moved around some of the delete/move features so that it is much more efficient,, allowing for more maps per Space/time
Code: |
Global $Paused HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") Opt("MouseClickDragDelay", 100) ;StarWarsGalaxies Forager Version 2 with Auto Delete ;Sleep("5000") Sleep("5000") ;Created a /forage macro and mapped it to N $i = 0 $var1 = "20"; How many times you want to forage Left/Right before going forward $var3 = "171" ;Imput X Coordinates for main space in inventory (where items shown up once foraged) $var4 = "442" ;Imput Y Coordinates for main space in inventory $var5 = "114" ;Imput X coordinates for backpack in inventory $var6 = "442" ;Imput Y Coordinates for backpack in inventory Do If WinActive( "Star Wars Galaxies", "" ) Then For $x = 1 to $var1 Send("{a down}") Sleep ("1300") Send("{a up}") ; Sleep("500") Send("{n down}") Send("{n up}") Sleep("100") MouseClick ( "right" , $var3, $var4, 1 ) Sleep("200") send("{2}") Sleep("200") MouseClickDrag ( "left" , $var3, $var4, $var5, $var6, 1) Sleep ("1200") Next send("{d down}") Send("{w down}") Sleep ("1200") Send("{w up}") Send("{d up}") Sleep ("50") For $x = 1 to $var1 Send("{d down}") Sleep ("1300") Send("{d up}") Sleep("500") Send("{n down}") Send("{n up}") Sleep("100") MouseClick ( "right" , $var3, $var4, 1 ) Sleep("200") send("{2}") Sleep("200") MouseClickDrag ( "left" , $var3, $var4, $var5, $var6, 1) Sleep ("1200") Next Send("{a down}") Send("{w down}") Sleep ("1200") Send("{w up}") Send("{a up}") Sleep ("50") EndIf Until $i = 1 Func TogglePause() $Paused = NOT $Paused While $Paused sleep(100) ToolTip('Script is "Paused"',0,0) WEnd ToolTip("") EndFunc Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc |
REFER to http://www.taultunleashed.com/phpbb2/post-306186.html#306186
For setup info and some Pictures, or if you want a copy of the original with auto delete
Last edited by collin8579 on 09 Nov 2007 21:57; edited 1 time in total
Autoit Forage
I used it through out the day at work for about 4 hours off and on and got 20 treasure maps.
I first created a /forage macro and mapped it to the N key. I borrowed a little of the code from other scripts on the site.
Heres the script.
Code: |
;StarWarsGalaxies Forager Sleep("5000") Sleep("10000") $i = 0 Do If WinActive( "Star Wars Galaxies", "" ) Then Send("{w down}") ;Walk Forward Sleep("1500") Send("{w up}") ;Stop Sleep("500") Send("{n down}") ;Created a /forage macro and mapped it to N Send("{n up}") Sleep("2500") EndIf Until $i = 1 |
Ent 90 in 2 Hours
macro dance:
/flourish 1
/pause 1
/flourish 2
/pause 1
/flourish 3
/pause 1
/flourish 4
/pause 1
/flourish 5
/pause 1
/flourish 6
/pause 1
/flourish 7
/pause 1
/flourish 8
/pause 1
/macro dance
macro dance2:
/pause .2
/pause .2
/startdance "dancename"
/pause .2
/macro dance2
Now start macro dance2, and replace "dancename" with the best dance you know (for example it would be /startdance basic2 ).
Then start macro dance about 4 or 5 times so that it spams flourishes. If you've done this right, you should start seeing your experience roll in at about 10 times the speed it should.
Whenever you learn new dances, switch them into the macro instead of the old one so you get more experience.
Agility 2/2
Stamina 2/2
Alacrity 4/4
Exacting Strikes 4/4
Defensive Fighting 1/1
Cautious Nature 4/4
Perceptive Sentinel 4/4
Forsake Fear 1/1
Hermetic Touch 1/1
Soothing Aura 4/4
Remorseless Nature 4/4
Brutality 4/4
Ruthless Precision 4/4
Dark Lightning 1/1
Force Choke 1/1
That leaves you with 3 points to apply anywhere (assuming you're at lvl 90)... I used them for improved saber block, although they could be well spent elsewhere.
**Here's how she works...
I use a dual toolbar (as most of you do) and I make sure to have these two skills assigned to keys: a Jedi focus and a Jedi stance.
I always enter a battle (PVP or PVE) with a Jedi focus going (and any other buffs I need). The Jedi focus is the key to your offense as it grants you the ability to use your lightning and choke attacks. When my health goes down about a quarter I heal (5k) and fight on. By the time the cooldown is over, I switch to a Jedi Focus and use my 10k heal just in time. Get back into your focus again and do the same thing... Your action will suffer with this temp, and as long as you have a high enough DPS saber (I use the Jinsu), your normal attack should keep your opponent's DMG trickling in while you recharge action. Am I claiming that this is the end-all be-all temp? Nope. I do well against average PvP players and very well PvE... This is just what works for me. Hope it helps!
10-12 shems
Ok Basically go and buy yourself a nice amount of Storyteller Tokens, (20 per token) so about 100-120. Now Of course to do this collection you need to be BH. Now on the token, set the Combat level to 90, and now go and Bounty Check each of them. If you are the Only person there they won't attack you whilst your checking unless your a Storyteller assistant or you invited yourself to your story.
Now as you check soon youll get the NPC come out. I have done half of the collection so far. This 'despite' costing money is safer, and also a get rich quick scheme. The weapon schem that is the reward, when created or before can go for 10-12 million, and also the collection can be redone .
SWG Cheats - CL 10 - 90 overnight!!! + lvl 1-90pet in 48 hrs
-Level a new combat character too level 10
-Buy any cheap combat pet (going for about 15k on tempest for a 1-2point pet)
-Now go out the back of theed, fastest was is go to where the shuttle lands and head out the big opening it flys through, behind theed you will find 5 kaadu lairs, they are lvl 85.
-Possition a group of lvl 90s (usually) between all the lairs so they can aggro any mobs from the lairs. we have a group of 4 people, 2 commandos, a medic and a spy.
-Have the whole group standing in the same space between the lairs and have the commando's use AOE attacks (usually just drop mine or something), have them do this on a macro, also have the medic running a group heal macro and the spy running a VP macro.
-While this is going on have a seperate macro called petattack that reads:
/ui action cycleTargetOutwards;
/pause 1;
/ui action petToolbarSlot0;
/pause 1;
/macro petattack;
-Now zoom all the way out on the camera and look at the floor so you have like a overhead view
-So far we have the group of lvl 90's lvling their pets afk basicly, there attacks etc keep the kaadu aggroed then when the kaadu gets close range all the pets hit it atleast once before the AOE kill them and so get exp...
-Now for a lvl 10 he MUST NOT be in the group, now have the lvl 10 ONLY run the macro I posted above for the pet attack, this means he attacks nothing and every time his pet hits a kaadu, he gets 1.6k exp and the pet gets exp aswell.
Hope this is clear, if not pop onto tempest and look out the back of the starport, at work at the moment so cant verfy eg the names of the AOE's to use etc but i have 3 chars boxed out there 1 spy and 2 low lvls im getting too 90...
Tip:Easy Clothin,Armr, Jewlr - Reverse Engineering
Take a lvl 90 Spy with a camoflage of at least 400. Go into S.F. Detachment Headquarters or S.F. Tactical Centers and just use sneak and use the steal command. It works great since chapter 6 has made the npcs harder and you get 25+ loot at least 1-2 per base.
Guide to Tusken King
The key to this encounter is co-ordination, the bosses are not that tough, but they aren't going to line up in order to be killed like the other encounters, so listen to your group members and be prepared to move as needed.
The encounter is in three phases, first liberate the city, second secure the city, third defeat the king.
The encounter takes place in a copy of mos espa, to enter the encounter first talk to the tusken in the adventure hall in aurilia, run the simple missions he gives until you are told to warn the militia leader, that is the start of the instance. Kav (the militia leader) is based in the university forecourt and talking to him will get access. NB: Everyone in the group must have done the pre-quests, this is not like HK where only one person needs access. Also note if you are late and the group left without you, have the leader invite you from inside the instance and head in. It may be helpful to have a copy of the map below handy during the mission, especially for anyone handling the experts (see below)
In phase 1 you and the team will spawn to the east of the city (top of the map). Tuskens will be roaming around the city at this point, the objective first is simple:
REACH THE CANTINA (A1 on the map)
Do not stop, do not pass go, do not collect £200 (or $200 for our american cousins, or €200 for our friends over the channel, or whatever currency you use!) In other words jump on a speeder and ignore the tuskens between you and the cantina.
Once in the cantina clear it, one boss inside, but he's a push over. A few seconds later Kav will walk in and turn into a boss. Now for the main part of phase 1, the group here splits into two teams.
Team 1 consists of one medic and two others. Their job is simple - keep Kav alive. Waves of one elite and some normal tuskens will arrive in the cantina with the aim of nuking him. Kav isn't a push over tho, against one wave he can even hold his own, he'll get beaten if two waves arrive together or one wave arrives before the first is beaten (he heals great out of combat) but best to just kill the tuskens. Oh, and if you have a toon who hasn't yet reached 90, defending the cantina is great for xp! Often this group will split one toon each door, with the medic moving between, but that's up to you.
Team 2 consists of everyone else. Their job is to go around the 7 buildings listed in the mission journal and clear each of tuskens. There are bosses in each building, so keep the group together and pound on the invaders and you'll soon have liberated the city. My personal order for the buildings is University, Med Centre, Hotel, Cloning Centre, Combat Hall, Watto's, Starport (A2-A8 on the map). Some like the starport first, I prefer it last for two reasons, 1- it has two bosses, so warm the group up on easier buildings first 2- it is closer to the hotel which makes killing the bosses there at the start of phase 2 easier before the first attack.
That's the easy bit over with, the team now need to re-organise and take on new roles for phase 2:
1) Building guards - there are three key buildings,
the first is the Mansion, to the south of the city (B1),
second is the lone house (B2),
third is the slum near Watto's (B3).
Each building needs one guard. They have to remain within 50-100m of the building at all times. Kav will announce when attacks are to happen, a few seconds later "Tusken fleshrippers" spawn and it is the guards job to intercept before they reach the building (they spawn within 20m of the building) and maintain aggro. The reason for this is that as well as the experts who spawn in the building so will a number of "a citizen" mobs. These idiots figure going for a stroll in the middle of a battle must be safe (after all C-3PO and R2-D2 seemed to be able to do it!) and will calmly stroll to the hotel from their building.
If while on their nice little stroll they see a tusken near enough, they figure a quick bout of fisticuffs is in order, unfortunately they never bothered to train novice brawler much less anything else so the average tusken will eat them alive, and a warlord barely has to look and they drop dead from fright!
2) Expert controller - this person is the only person to talk to "an expert". Experts spawn in the buildings above (note in the slum they are only on the top floor, in the lone house they are on the bottom floor and in the mansion they are on both the top floor AND the roof. The expert controller's job is to guide experts in to the six buildings that need staff. Each building needs three experts before it is fully manned. In order of how beneficial they are to you the buildings are:
A6 Combat hall - Spawns Elite "militia" mobs who will help defend the city, two of them can cope with a single boss tusken, so this should be the first priority building.
A3 Medical Centre - spawns elite "Doctor" mobs, assists other defenders and citizens (arguable whether better or not than militia, basically depends which building spawns experts first - mansion or lone house do med centre, slum do combat hall)
A2 University - Generates tusken bane buff which enhances group effectiveness (50% crit chance + other effects, nice buff)
A8 Starport - we haven't directly observed this, but have been assured the Y-wing is spawning and attacking tuskens around the city using officer special animations.
A5 Cloning Centre - grants a buff which activates effect on incap (gives heal and defensive boost).
A7 Watto's - Spawns non-elite droids around the city (low priority as they can't help much but they try)
Experts will spawn in each of the three properties when Kav says the building is under attack. The expert controller has to talk to the experts out of combat, so either needs to be a profession capable of reliably exiting combat or just be careful not to get tangled up with the fight which will be happening outside the building.
NB: Experts will only converse when you use the radial menu, clicking on them will try to shoot them (even tho the converse icon is displayed). This unfortunately is a side effect of allowing other npc's to attack the experts and so there is no known cure for this.
NB: It is possible to change an experts target building on route, but they will normally walk back 10-20m before heading to the new target. Changing building can be a way to "pause" the experts if a warlord is ahead and there isn't help from the floating team nearby.
NB: The buffs appear to be short term, it will refresh as long as you are in the instance.
3) Floating team - this leaves 4 team members, their job is to be Muhammed Ali around the battlefield, floating around like butterflies between the buildings and around the citizens, but stinging like the proverbial bee when tuskens threaten any citizens. This team has the hardest job, they need to listen out for if any team member is in trouble and needs support, and especially if any citizen or expert is under attack. While Teamspeak/Vent will help groupchat does the job fine as long as people listen and respond.
NB: Warlords will spawn during this time (gold boss mob). If possible ignore them, they take a long time to take down and if they aren't threatening a citizen or team member best to let them walk around, once militia are available you can try to pull warlords into groups of two militia then leave, the militia can take the warlord down together.
NB: Fleshrippers will spawn at the building Kav announces after a few seconds, if possible a floating team member should join the building defender to ensure all fleshrippers are taken down quickly and citizens protected.
Tip: Two key areas early on are in front of the hotel and in front of the combat hall, the teams I have been part of normally try to clear the hotel and combat hall area if possible before the roving team starts floating around.
Once all buildings are activated the quest journal will bug, the final building will show 2/3 and not update on the journal - this is a display bug only and the quest has updated, so watch the comm messages and groupchat. When Kav says the tuskens are reorganising for a final push he means it!
Now, the final battle, phase 3.
This all takes place in the open space to the east of the cantina in front of the starport, however it is a comparatively easy part. You will have support of some doctors, militia and Kav, although be wary if any tuskens are near before the warlords agro the help will run off, if there is time help them so they come back to help with the big fight.
First a wave of 5 Tusken warlords, then 4 Honour guard together with the King will spawn.
NB: The King and his honour guard are on a timer after the warlords spawn, they won't hang around for you to kill the warlords, so make sure you work quickly or you could have 10 bosses all at once. This is where having the help (Kav and his goons) with you comes in handy for extra dps, so try to keep them on station and not running off.
Ugly Isnt He?
Defeat them all and revel in the victory while the Tuskens appoint a new king and regroup for the next days invasion!
NB: The Tusken King may become "invincible" at 4 health. It is possible, although sufficient testing has not been completed (seems some folk wanted it live before it was fully tested) that this is because another tusken is alive somewhere in the instance and so they have to be killed before the king can die. As tuskens can get bugged and stuck in walls the only way to kill some of them will be by damaging the king who is (we think) passing his damage to other tuskens around espa. Keep battering him for 10-15min and eventually they'll die, or have a squad search the city (check the key buildings above in case they got trapped inside).
Shadowbrak tip: To receive the token you have to be in the instance, however to receive the collection update and stat boost you have to be a valid combatant with the King. RD Interpretation: Keep bashing the king unless you've already got the 10 collection ticks, if you have then you can scout around for any tuskens still around to help the king to die quicker.
Easily defeating the Axva Min instance
** ALSO, very IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: If you have the veteran reward pets that give stat bonuses, call them right outside the chamber of banishment and then enter. You will maintain the buff and avoid a SERIOUS problem that may occur during Axva.
2.) First bosses: Gorvo and some name that escapes me
Simple enough fight, have the jedi tank the nightsister lady and have your medic stasis her in the beginning. Everyone else wails on Gorvo, whom does tend to run back the the NS lady for healing, but when he's debuffed to get cruddy heals, it helps. Be cautious, Gorvo has AoE melee attacks, so don't bunch together. Gorvo goes down easily, even I usually tank him, and I'm melee smuggler. After Gorvo drops, jump on his nightsister, whom happens to drop very fast.
3.) The "ninja boss": This nightsister acts very much like a spy. She cloaks, picks a target, and her opening hit is a debuff... unfortunately, this is followed by some sort of trap she had lain while she was cloaked that causes all of your specials to go on cooldown for roughly 30 seconds; thus, it helps if you have the GCW buff that provides a reactive heal or even some reactive heal base stims since more than likely, the medic will get hit with this and be unable to heal the group. She's hard to hold aggro for the jedi, since they likely have taunt on cooldown lock as well so she'll usually be bouncing from target to target among your group. However, my groups have never lost a single person, nor did we actually need to use the reactive heals, but that is simply a precaution for anyone else reading this.
4.) "THE SPAWNER OF STUPIDLY PAINFUL THINGS": 3rd boss, and as you can tell by the nickname given to her, yes, she's the one that does the force lightnings and the fireholes which can kill anyone that gets swamped by them. Trick here, as usual, is make sure the jedi has and holds aggro. Then the jedi, while using attacks and taunt at every available possible moments, along with healing himself, begins to WALK (yes, you heard absolutely right, WALK) around the edges in a big circle while everyone else wails on her. For some reason, this seems to keep a good number of force lightning/fireholes from being spread throughout the entire platform. If the jedi gets like 3 force storms spawned on him, sure, he can switch to running for a second, but once clear of those damnable things, he should go back to walking. Eventually, she'll fall.
5.) "The element summoning easy boss": 4th boss, and a very easy one, might I add happens to be the one that spawns 5 other nightsisters at certain percentages of her health. Thus, again, jedi tanks and medic is his healer. Everyone else in group should NOT dps her until all 5 of her elemental spawns are killed, instead they should simply debuff her to help the jedi tank her easier (she does tend to hit hard and she does have melee aoe attacks). Now, you will get 5 randomly determined spawns of nightsisters as the main boss (Suin Cholo, I believe) loses her health. Keep the damage on the main boss slow, then as one of her summons appears, everyone except the jedi and medic target her. On the target screen, where you usually see the buffs an enemy may have, each of these element spawns will have either: heat, cold, acid, or electricity. This symbol determines what kind of elemental weapon can damage them: if she has heat symbol, USE COLD; if she has cold symbol, USE HEAT; if she has acid symbol, USE ELECTRIC; and if she has electric symbol, USE ACID. All other weapons will not do any damage to those elemental spawns, so make sure your group is packing weapons of every elemental type.
5.) "Axva Min" : Axva is not as difficult as people tend to make her out to be. Even if she gets you in a crystal, you CAN walk out of it (albeit, you still take gradual damage and have reduced dps). Personally, however, as melee smuggler, I find that I tend to be a huge help with popping others from crystals (not even purposely) while I chase Axva and use my 7 (or 8, depending on the melee weapon I choose to use) meter radius/range aoe's and dirty trick, the trap seems to do full damage to the crystals even when I'm supposed to have damage reduction from them. NOW, THIS IS IMPORTANT: while fighting axva, NEVER EVER use the smuggler skill: Call a Medic, and NEVER summon the vet reward pet with stat buffs. Occasionally, axva will infect random targets with contagion (which will affect not only you if you have it, but any groupmates you run too close to as well). Reason I say make sure not to have the call a medic nor the familiar is because they are attackable and frequently prone to axva's usage of contagious blast. Now, seeing as they are indestructible pets, Axva just might decide to sit there spamming contagious blast on your cute little familliar or that medic us smugglers may call over and over and over (without end). Oh, and did I mention that contagious blast is a huge radius AoE that does 9999 damage (prior to armor)? Discovered this from once having called my medic during her fight; which resulted in an entire party wipe and the entire combat log history filling up with "Axva Min attacks a medic with contagious blast for xxxx dmg). Then, it happened to us on another occasion when someone called his cute little gackle bat familiar with the identical result. Thus, if you are able, use the GCW buff last man standing once the fight with axva begins. Aside from all here nasty ploys, again usually have the jedi tanking, with medic using area heals and having jedi as his main healing target. However, on occasion, the jedi may need help. This is where bh's play a second large role with axva: use the skill that draws aggro when the jedi cloaks. Then, the bh tanks for a little bit (helps if he has shields), and the jedi easily recovers back to being tank and stealing the aggro with taunts. If the jedi is having trouble stealing the aggro from someone, have the person whom has aggro stop attacking entirely. This will allow "hate" to build up on everyone else doing damage (and taunting), while that person's "hate" diminishes over time. Eventually, she will go back to whomever you have intended to be the tank. All in all, Axva is pretty dang tough, but with a wise group, she will drop.
Quick explaination on just what I call "hate"; it consists of 3 main things:
1.)a. The total amount of damage done to the mob by a person
b. The outgoing dps you are providing on the target.
2.) Any time a medic uses a heal on someone other than himself, he builds 2x the amount healed as if they were an attack on the mob directly; thus, area heal tends to draw a TON of aggro.
3.) Any taunts and debuffs you may be using on the target. Now, I haven't figured out the system on exactly how much hate the jedi/BH taunts cause, but I believe it is similar to being as if they hit the target for a LARGE amount of damage. However, although this imaginary damage may be LARGE, often, however; it's still not enough alone to steal aggro from something like an officer who just spiked (used overwhelming firepower/all attacks), since some classes are capable of causing HUGE amounts of damage quickly.
SWG Guides - Guide to Solo "Stealing" the DWB
First of all you will need a SPY with access to the DWB, 300 or better Camoflage (use pups or armor and clothing attachments). Make sure your spy has "Decoy" in your experitse along with "Without a Trace" and "Smoke Bomb" and the Venomous Ploy Line. All the attacks that I use in the DWB are Melee, I do not believe you can accomplish this with a Ranged Spy. I use a Guardian Blaster Fist but I am sure you could use any level 90 melee weapon that has a comparable DPS. Any health stims that you have will help you greatly. You will need to get an Entertainer buff. Usually I get 3000 Kinetic, Crit Chance, Heal Chance 18% and what I have left over I put in Strength or Stamina. You can play with the buffs like you want to suit your playing style. Now you are ready to enter the DWB.
When you enter make sure you are under smoke and all of your Cloaks are ready to use. As you go through the DWB use a macro to "Steal" from the Mobs in the DWB. You will "Steal" Statted loot and Credits. You can only steal from the Battle Droids, Black Sun and Miners. As you progress you will get to the Key rooms symply click on the Key card readers and that will "Notify Security". When the first Blood Guard comes out simply drop Venomous Ploy and that MOB will call for back up. When the next 2 Blood Guard come out wait until the stop moving and drop Venomous Ploy on those 2 and they will call for Security. At this point the Key holder will spawn soon. You do not need to kill the Blood Guard or Ghosts just keep stealing from them as they spawn. When the Key holder spawns he will come out of the room and stand still. Once you have stolen from him Kill him. Depending on your expertise this can be easy or quite difficult. I usually use preperation, assinnate, ambush, Venomous Ploy, Slash, by this time I am out of action and I use basic attacks until I have action built back up and then I heal. When my health gets low I Decoy ,heal undercover and immediatly attack the key holder (if you dont it will loose agrro and regain its health). I tend to use base stims or Officer Stims if I can get them. Once I have that key I steal my way down to the section B key area (room with the shuttle in the middle of it).
The section B key is the most difficult to get. When you are in the room with the shuttle there is a Super Battle droid right beside the keyholder when it spawns. To get this key click on the key card reader and spawn security. A Blood Guard will spawn and here is where you need to wait to attack that Blood Guard. Wait exactly 4 minutes from the time you spawned it and drop Venomous Ploy on it (It will despawn in 5 minutes). It will call for back up but by the time they arrive this mob will despawn (you can also kill it but it needs to be gone when the key holder arrives). Then 2 more Black Sun will spawn. Wait until they stop moving and drop your Venomous Ploy on them they will also call for back up. 4 more Black sun will spawn and the Key holder. When the key holder spawns it will be standing still in the door way that leads back up to the A section key Another Blood Guard will spawn in the corridor with it wait until it leaves the area and joins the other Black Sun in the Center of the room. Position yourself exactly 9 meters from the Super Battle Droid. Memorize or mark this position. You will be in front of the door where the key holder is standing. Move over to the key holder and drop Venomous Ploy on the key holder. It will hesitate and begin to move to the center of the room where the previous 4 to 6 Black Sun have spawned. While the key holder hesitates, move to the position that is exactly 9m from the Super Battle Droid. When the key holder moves into your range. Hit it with every thing you have I use the same attacks as I use on the Section A key holder but in here you must kill it as quick as possible to ensure it does not aggro the other Black Sun. At this point I use every buff I can and any thing that helps you do damage use it. The key holder will move closer to the 4 other Black Sun in the center of the room. If you aggro them you cannot kill the key holder and will have to wait until the Key card reader resets and you will have to redo this section from the begining. It took me several tries to get this perfect but It can be done. You must be exactly 9m from that Super Battle Droid or your attacks will aggro it. You must attack the key holder as soon as it is in range of your Melee attacks if not it will run to the center of the room where the other 4 to 6 Black Sun are standing and aggro them. Once you have the Section B key you can move on to the Mine key.
The Mine key is easier than the other 2 keys to get. Click on the key card reader and a Black Sun Ghost will spawn move to where it has spawned and drop Venomous Ploy on it (make sure you are back under Smoke Bomb). The Ghost will call for Back up and Spawn 2 more Ghosts. Drop Venomous Ploy on those 2 and they will also call for back up. Now is the easy part. When the next set spawns there will be 2 Super Battle Droids and 2 more Ghosts along with the Key holder. The SBD's and the Ghosts will move all the way down the hall way away from the key holder. The key holder will stand about 5 meters from where it spawned and stop. When the SBD's and Ghosts move out of the area that leaves the key holder alone and easy to kill. Unload all your attacks on it just as you have done with the other 2.
When you have the key you have access to the mine and now entire Bunker and can steal 2 times from every mob (except for the rats and sbd's). You will get credits or statted loot or nothing at all. Once you have stolen from all the mobs you can continue to call keys and steal from those newly spawned Black Sun. You can also kill the Wraiths in the same mannor as the Key holders for a chance to pick up the now very rare Mando Liquids. When the server resets simply head back down and you can steal from all the mobs again. I have made millions of Credits off the loot and Liquids. One bonus is if you can get in there ahead of a group, as they work their way down they will clear the bunker and you can steal from the new mobs that spawn. Happy Stealing
Darth Sidious (Sith Lord Template) http://www.oekevo.org/expertisecalc...264-0-12
Darth Vader (Variation Jedi Mystic Design) http://www.oekevo.org/expertisecalc...de04-0-12
Darth Maul (Sith Marauder Template) http://www.oekevo.org/expertisecalc...170-0-12
Exar Kun (Sith Cultist Template) http://www.oekevo.org/expertisecalc...e914dd2ad816-12
Darth Plagius (Sith Assassin Template) http://www.oekevo.org/expertisecalc...b69333fff0-0-12
Mace Windu (Jedi Mystic Design) http://www.oekevo.org/expertisecalc...8a910a6668-0-12
Obi-wan Kenobi (Jedi Guardian Design) http://www.oekevo.org/expertisecalc...057eb7d200-0-12
Yoda (Jedi Consular Design) http://www.oekevo.org/expertisecalc...221e1eb624-0-12
Plo Koon (Jedi Sentinel Design) http://www.oekevo.org/expertisecalc...0535f52162-0-12
To convert these macros to manual use:
Change the /tell cmd line and place it AFTER the 9 second pause cmd. Changing tell text accordingly (i.e.
*** Defensive Stance Up! *** and likewise *** Focus Stance Up! *** - This tells you when it's safe to switch toolbars without bugging the stances in the middle of a fight.
Remove the following from each of the 2 macros. (Roughly: The bottom 1/2 of each macro)
/ui action toolbarPane00;
/pause .5;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause .65;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 1;
/pause 9;
/macro ToolbarSwitch1;
/ui action toolbarPane01;
/pause .5;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause .65;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 1;
/pause 9;
/macro ToolbarSwitch2;
That's it.
Can place them on both toolbars as they are intended to be placed. Instead of the macro running automatically. This will be a 1 shot macro hit the key 1 time, it will run through the cmds and TELL you when the next stance comes up, so you will NOT want to switch toolbars until you receive the /tell cmd.
This is a macro I made for myself it has various uses and can be customized for your own use I will explain the macro and what should be modified to convert the macro from automatic run to manual run.
My Template I'm experimenting with:
Automated Stance Toolbar Switch Macro:
Name = ToolbarSwitch1
/ui action toolbarPane01;
/pause .5;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause .65;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 1;
/pause 9;
/ui action toolbarPane00;
/pause .5;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause .65;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 1;
/pause 9;
/macro ToolbarSwitch1;
Name = ToolbarSwitch2
/ui action toolbarPane00;
/pause .5;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause .65;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 1;
/pause 9;
/ui action toolbarPane00;
/pause .5;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause .65;
/ui action toolbarSlot00;
/pause 1;
/pause 9;
/macro ToolbarSwitch2;
Dump Macro - to be placed on BOTH toolbars (set to switch to toolbar 1 (toolbarPane00) as default [In my macro it's my defensive stance or 10K heal stance toolbar]
/ui action toolbarPane00;
/pause .65;
ToolbarSwitch1 should be placed on Toolbar 1 (toolbarPane00 for those who know it by this cmd)
ToolbarSwitch2 should be placed on Toolbar 2 (toolbarPane01 for those who know it by this cmd)
These 2 macros on each toolbar are designed to switch toolbars automatically and switch stances to allow use of special abilities allocated to these specific stances.
These macros CAN be converted to manual where you hit a key and switch toolbars yourself instead of the macro doing it for you.
The automatic macro timer is set to the cooldown of each stance, which it MUST be. Otherwise it will cause problems of stances not coming up when switchin toolbars. The timers are set to account for lag issues. Try these out first before customizing timers on your own. DO NOT change the 1 second pause or the 9 second pause these are place holders for the cooldown on both stances which are about 10-11 seconds before either is available to fire.
Hope this helps people out who use combined templates of both lightside and darkside abilities.
An idiot's guide to defeating Umakk Bre'ano and Quillara Adeen
If you follow these guides, they WILL get you through. You may not make it on the first or even the 10th time, but the system below is sound and will work.
In addition, the 30 min wait on the debuff is infuriating as it's hard to get back into the fight and remember what you did wrong the first time.
Patience is key. The guides do work. I did both bosses probably 10 times each without success. Once I figured out the pattern, I beat them both on the second try.
Understand well what is written in the guide, apply to the best of your ability. You will make it through. if you are still having problems, I have a section for FAQs that I will be happy to keep updated. Let me know if something needs clarified as I try to make my guides painfully simple to follow.
Let me start off by saying that I had decided long ago to not write any more guides. In this case, I'm making an exception becuase of my opinion of these two bosses.
The key to Umakk Bre'ano is not tanking so get that out of your head now. To tank is to avoid/block/evade/absorb incoming damage over an extended period of time only healing when necessary. The key to this guy is healing. Lots of healing. Regardless of your template and build, he will do a tremendous amount of damage to you and no amount of tanking is going to gain you success.
When I did this, I used all my general buffs except the orbital strike. However, at the time, I did not have two very important defensive buffs active as they were still on cool down from the last attempt. I also did not use any officer or GCW heal stims as I just could not find any in the time that I had. Point being, It seems that I probably could have finished this without my GCW general buffs had the other items not been on cool down.
The first step is to let go of your template. I have my prefered set up that I will be going back to but after several failures decided to try a few different builds. Go to the profession extortionist...oops, I mean counciler, and drop your expertise.
This is the build I went with for this boss;
* 2 points str
* 2 points agi
* 2 points const
* 4 points alacrity
* 2 points in anything else to get 12 (I put mine in saber throw damage)
* 4 points in saber block (absolute necessity)
* full light side tree
For an ent buff, I got const/heal power/kinetic. Note that the buff is heal power/efficiency, not chance to heal.
Important! This information was just added by LordEatose; I noticed from the combat log that Umakk's Lightsaber does Energy damage and Quillara's Lightsaber Damage is Kinetic. Just thought I would mention those in case nobody knew. (I have not verified this as of yet)
After that I had a full set of med buffs. I also stack str/agi/const in my clothing and used a defensive saber with block chance in it.
Before you get started, pull up your commands screen and create the following macro;
* /ui action toolbarSlot05;
* /pause 10;
* /m saberblock;
Title the macro saberblock and pick an icon. Pull up a blank toolbar and put the saber block action icon in the #6 slot (note; you can change the number in the macro to any slot you like and then place the icon in any corresponding spot on the bar keeping in mind that the first spot on the bar is 00). This macro cycles almost instantaneously when the action is off cool down. Trust me when I say, having one less thing to worry about is a huge help.
Put anything else you intend to use on this new tool bar. You will not need any attacks/snares or things of that nature. You will need the following on it;
* both stance and focus
* your most advanced heal
* saber block (along with the macro icon that you created)
* any heal stims you intend to use
* advanced saber reflect (I'll explain that one futher down)
* all of your GCW buffs (if you have them)
* defensive wild force shard (blue in color, boosts defense for 3 min)
* revitalization stim (HK instance, 3 min buff)
When you get to the statue; Light Jedi Statue at Dantooine (-4219 33 4249), get all your main buffs going. Any pups you use, any foods, familiars, ect. Do not start this with your stance active. Instead, activate your focus.
Now that all the mains are out of the way, kneel down and meditate (assuming you have the ability). Wait for the defensive buff to cycle in. Its the one with the blue icon that shows a person reaching for the sky. Stand up and then activate the following;
* saber block macro
* wild force shard
* GCW banner
* revitalization stim
Click on the statue.
The npc will spawn and you will begin your fight. Turn off your auto attack. You dont even need to hit this guy. In a game where every boss resets if you don't maintain damage on him, this will feel very strange. You instead need to focus on staying alive.
Running this npc is similar to what one might expect while trying to land a plane. You don't want to focus entirely on your view port as you have important instraments to watch. I barely even looked at the action on the screen. Instead, you have to watch for the debuff and cool down timers of your actions. Fortunately, the debuff icon now shows under your buffs so identifying it is pretty easy.
Now that you have taken a little bit of damage, activate your GCW buffs if you have them.
At this point you are probably nearing the need to heal. Before you heal, you must activate your stance! This will get you the full 10k heal. This is becuase with your focus active, the debuff he offered will not affect your heal while in stance. So click on your stance, fire your heal and saber reflect. Some may advise against the reflect as it causes damage to the npc. However, it also doubles your alacrity which is very important. The damage done to the npc is minimal compared to the amount of protection it offers. Your not supposed to be attacking anyway so the amount of damage from this one buff will be miniscule in comparison. As soon as stance cools down, fire off your focus! This will ensure that if you are debuffed again, it will not be the one that cuts your heal in half. (thanks to masselin for pointing out that saber reflect must be fired off while stance is active)
The two icons are best described as being brown and green. There are pictures in them, but under the circumstances, you won't see what they are. The brown one is up while you have focus, the green while you have stance. There is a possibility that he may fire off the green debuff before you can activate your focus. If he does, just wait it out until you see it go poof or switch to the other one. Then get your stance back up, heal off and get back to your focus asap.
During this battle, your saber block should be cycling automatically. So the only things you need focus on, are the debuffs (which one is active), the cool down on your specials (heal and focus/stance), and rotating into your stance right before you heal, then back to your focus as soon as you can. If you have heal stims, you can time them accordingly in between your main heals. As I said though, I did not use them as I didn't have time to get any.
If you follow this path, you will succeed in defeating him. I cannot vouch for any other way as this is the only way I did it. I know others have completed in different ways, but I can guarantee that this one works. You may not get it on the first try as it takes some practice getting your stance up for a heal then back to focus in the 4 second span you have between the debuffs, but if you keep at it, and use this pattern, you will defeat him. Congratulations, control is now back in your hands.
Jedi Skills
Push Button Skills
Lightsaber Attacks
Lightsaber Strike
- Gained in the profession wheel
- Target: Single
- Range: 5m
- Damage: 1112 + weapon damage range + Melee Bonus + ~2x weapon elemental
- Action: 1360
- Cooldown: 4 sec
Lightsaber Sweep
- Gained in the profession wheel
- Target: 360 AoE
- Range 5m
- Damage: 2000 + weapon damage range + Melee Bonus + ~2x weapon elemental
- Action: 1520
- Cooldown: 8 sec
Lightsaber Throw
- Gained from the Profession Wheel and enhanced with Expertise
- Target: Single
- Range 32m
- Damage: ?
- Action: 60
- Cooldown: 3 sec
Guardian Strike
- Gained from the 5-Piece Bonus of the Heroic Guardian Set Jewelry
- Target: Single
- Range 5m
- Damage: ?
- Action: 300
- Cooldown: 4 sec
Force Attacks
Force Lightning
- Force Spark gained though Profession Wheel, enhanced through Expertise
- Target: Single
- Range: 32m
- Damage: ~3690
- Action: 1440
- Cooldown: 10 sec
Force Choke
- Gained and enhanced through Expertise
- Target: Single
- Range: 32
- Damage: ? DoT
- Cooldown: ?
- Action: ?
Force Shockwave
- Gained and enhanced though Expertise
- Target: Cone AoE
- Range: 32
- Damage: ~2029
- Action: 1120
- Cooldown: 6 sec
Force Maelstrom
- Gained through Expertise
- Target: Cone AoE
- Range: ?
- Damage: ~3690
- Action: ?
- Cooldown: ?
Force Heal
- 5k Version granted though the Profession Wheel, enhanced to 10k through Stance Path Expertise
- Action: ?
- Cooldown: 25 sec
Force Drain
- Gained and enhanced through Expertise
- Target: Single
- Damage: ~2000
- Heal: 2000+
- Action: ?
- Cooldown: 10 sec
Defensive Skills
Lightsaber Block
- Gained in the Profession Wheel, enhanced through Expertise
- Duration: 40 sec
- Action: ?
- Cooldown: 60 sec
Lightsaber Reflect
- Gained through the Stance Path of the Expertise
- Duration: 30 sec
- Action: ?
- Cooldown: 60 sec
Force Cloak
- Gained though Expertise
- Duration: 30 sec
- Action: ?
- Cooldown: ?
Other Force Powers
- Defensive State
- Offensive State
Forsake Fear
- Gained through Stance Path Expertise
- Duaration: 10 sec
- Action: ?
- Cooldown: ?
Force Enrage
- Gained through the Profession Wheel
- Target: Single
- Action: ?
- Cooldown: ?
Mind Trick
- Gained through the Profession Wheel, enhanced through Expertise
- Target: Single
- Action: ?
- Cooldown: ?
Force Run: Gained through the Profession Wheel, enhanced though Expertise
- Action: 150
- Duration: 15 sec
- Colldown: 45 sec
Sense Danger: Gained through the Profession Wheel
- Target: AoE
- Range: ?
- Action: ?
- Cooldown: ?
Passive Skills
Stance Path
Cautious Nature
- When using a Jedi stance, Constitution increased by 10 per point spent, and Glancing Blow is increased by 1% per point spent
- There are no requirements for learning this expertise
Saber Shackle
- Saber Shackle adds a 25% chance per point spent to snare and a 2% chance per point spent to root a target with Saber Throw while in a stance
- You must train four points in Path and four points in Cautious Nature to add this expertise
Reactive Response
- Each damaging strike on the Jedi increases that Jedi's action by 2% per point spent when using a Jedi stance
- You must spend eight points in Path and four points in Saber Shackle to add this bonus
Force Clarity
- Adds a 5% chance to strike twice with a Lightsaber
- You must have invested twelve points in Path and two points in Reactive Response to add this bonus
Anticipate Aggression
- All damage dealt to Jedi reduced by 4% per point spent when using a Jedi stance
- You must have sixteen points in Path and one point in Force Clarity to train this expertise
- A maneuver that has a 25% chance per point spent to counterattack a melee or ranged attack when an opponent misses within a 5m range. It can only be performed while in a stance
- Eight points in Path and four points in Cautious Nature are required to learn how to riposte
Saber Reflect
- A defensive state of mind that allows for reflecting melee and ranged attacks partially back on the attacker when parried within a 64m range. It can only be performed in a stance
- You must have invested twelve points in Path and two points in Riposte to train in Saber Reflect
Improved Saber Reflect
- Increases Saber Reflect damage by 33% per point spent as well as a 16% chance per point for Force Alacrity to activate. It can only be performed in a stance
- A skilled Jedi with sixteen points in Path and one point in Saber Reflect can train this ability
Perceptive Sentinel
- Increases critical hit defense by 1% per point spent and an additional 1% critical hit defense for PvP per point spent. It can only be performed in a stance
- Four points in Path and four points in Cautious Nature are required for a Jedi to learn this expertise
Forsake Fear
- For 10 seconds, the Jedi and all members of the Jedi's party regenerate an extra 6% of their action per second. Combat damage does not interrupt this meditative state
- You must spend eight points in Path and four points in Perceptive Sentinel to train this skill
Hermetic Touch
- Self heals gain the ability to cure and temporarily become immune to all damage over time attacks when using a Jedi stance
- Twelve points in Path and one point in Forsake Fear are required to learn this ability
Soothing Aura
- Self heals are increased by 25% per point spent when using a Jedi stance
- You must invest sixteen points in Path and one point in Hermetic Touch to learn this expertise
Neutral Path
Cloud Minds
- Grants the ability to use Mind Trick. Mind Trick briefly confuses opponents in the area and they no longer see the Jedi as a threat
- You must spend eight points in Path to be able to learn the Jedi Mind Trick
Expansive Trickery
- Increases the radius for Cloud Minds by two meters per point spent
- Twelve points in Path and one point in Cloud Minds are required to train this expertise
- The duration of Mind Trick and Cloud Mind debuffs are increased by two seconds for every point spent
- You must invest sixteen points in Path and three points in Expansive Trickery to learn this skill
Focus Path
Remorseless Nature
- Stamina is increased by 10 per point spent when using a Jedi focus
- There are no requirements to learn this expertise
- Critical strikes are increased by 1% per point spent when using a Jedi focus
- Four points in Path and four points in Remorseless Nature are required for this expertise
Dark Lightning
- Grants the ability to use Dark Lightning attacks. Force Shock channels the Force into an electric shock that sends electricity burning through your opponent
- You must train eight points in Path and four points in Brutality to wield Dark Lightning
- Grants the ability to use Maelstrom attacks, which are a cone effect lightning attack
- You must spend twelve points in Path and one point in Dark Lightning to learn this ability
Wracking Energy
- Increases Force Lightning, Force Maelstrom, and Force Drain armor penetration by 25% per point spent. Adds a snare to Force Lightning and increases duration of the snare by two seconds per point spent
- You must invest sixteen points in Path and one point in Maelstrom
Tempt Hatred
- A Jedi gains 2% of action (per point spent) from damage by tempting hatred in an opponent while in a focus
- Eight points in Path and four points in Remorseless nature are necessary for learning this ability
Force Drain
- Allows a Jedi to gain the ability to drain health from opponents while in a Jedi focus. This attack cannot be parried
- You must spend twelve points in Path and two points in Tempt Hatred to train this ability
Improved Force Drain
- Improves the health returned on a successful Force Drain by 33% per point spent
- Sixteen points spent in Path and one point in Force Drain are required for this expertise
Ruthless Precision
- Allows cruel, calculated strikes to increase damage by 2% (per point spent) to an opponent while in a focus
- Four points in Path and four points in Remorseless Nature are the prerequisites for this expertise
Force Choke
- Grants the ability to use Force Choke attacks
- You must spend eight points in Path and four points in Ruthless Precision to learn this ability
Improved Force Choke
- Force Choke's damage is increased by 10% per point spent and Force Choke's damage over time component is increased by 10% per point spent
- Twelve points in Path and one in Force Choke are required to train this skill
- Effect: Reduces a target's damage output by 5% per point while under the effects of Strangulation
- Pre-Req: 16 points in Path and 2 points in Improved Force Choke
General Path
Holocron Collections
On to the subject though:
I have found what helps the most in helping folks complete these two hard collections is as follows...determinability, motivation, and communication.
I have a few places and times that I will be listing to maybe help those that need the holos still. I really hope this helps.
First off Luck I found to be a very useful stat to stack in combat as well as I get luckier on loot drops than some do. As a Jedi I stack it and and swear by it.
Waypoints follows for best Holocron drops that of which I have found:
Dantooine: /way dantooine 4742 5249-Adepts/Dark Jedi Knights-Leave the Dark Jedi Masters alone as sometimes more Knights and Adepts spawn which give you another chance to loot em again. These spawn in majority in this general location. Red will drop Sith Yellow will drop Jedi. On Numbers Crunching I personally looted a Sith 4/5med, a Jedi 5/5med, 2/5 Sith waist, 1/5 Sith waist, and a Sith 2/5 med in approx. 2.5 hours on Tuesday.
/way dantooine 2915 4521 Three Dark Jedi in Oppressor Robes which guard the burning rock collection also drop holos pretty decently. These three drop as I can tell Sith only. As for time contraint...I believe these Jedi/Sith respawn approx 30 mins and Farming them off and on for about 2 hours yielded me two Sith 2/5 waist and 2/5 med both so if I have to guess i would say maybe a 1 in 10 maybe. Don't quote that for sure.
To answer other questions if you are looking for Jedi Holos find any yellow conned mob in the area of the first way point preferably the level 70s. They are the ones that I and others have found the best Jedi Holos from. I do hope this info helps everyone.
Dathomir: /way dathomir -2025 1866 Singing Mnt. Clan vs. Nightsister battle POI Both the Nightsister's and the Singing Mountain Clan have dropped the holos -Sith
/way dathomir -3348 357 Nightsister Stronghold Cave. Best place I have found drops is around the bridge which contain One Rancor and Three Nightsister's. -Sith
Also i suggest if you want the best drops to go right after a server reset which are usually on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. You will get the best Rare Drops on these days. I have did my homework and asked others as well and they all tell me the same thing that the best time for rares they have found is after a server reset. I wish you all the best of luck in finding your holocrons I hope my guide helps considerably. I know of at least two people who did what I said who are not on my server have increased their numbers of drops so I do not believe I am full of crap.
Arkon can you push for a sticky I will attempt to keep it updated as much as possible.
Please do not hessitate to fire me a PM on something if you wish I will gladly help all interested.
Good Luck and May the Force Be With You All.